Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Vata Season

Did you know that each Dosha has a season? FALL is the season of VATA. The leaves are drying, it's windy, the air is more crisp and you might find that your hands become dry. This is our body’s way of balancing us as nature evolves from the heat of summer to the cool of fall. Changes in the season are potential for our doshas to go out of balance. Vata gets out of balance with too much dry, rough, windy qualities in our bodies/environment. We can’t control nature, but we can maintain balance by changing our life-style to suit the changing seasons.

Here are some tips for balancing Vata into your FALL routine:

-Oil massage. In the morning before you shower, use some sesame oil or any thick oil and give yourself an oil massage. I personally use Vitamin E oil, as I have very dry skin. Let it sit for 10-20 minutes and shower it off.

-Steam bath or shower. Brings warmth and moisture to the body while . Warm bath to release tight muscles.

- Warm, moist foods. Stick to cooked/steamed vegetables (no raw) and root veggies (pumpkin, beets, carrot) rice, soups, and stews. Can be mildly spicy. Skip the salads, dry/stale sandwiches or snacks, cold foods.

-Warm drinks. Teas, warm apple cider, warm milk. Stay away from cold or icy drinks. Warm drinks is better for your digestion anyway ;)

-Stick to the routine. Create a routine and the most important thing is to stick to it! Religiously.

-Exercise. The best exercise for vata is yoga or walking. Minimize running or biking to once-twice a week as this increase the “cold and windy” qualities in us.

For more information on Dosha's and Ayurvedic science:http://www.centerforayurveda.com/What-Is.html

Center for Ayurveda a full service Ayurvedic natural healing, holistic treatment center in Los Angeles, providing Ayurvedic- diagnostics, counseling and Natural treatments, Mela Butcher founder

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